What is the Lynk Protocol?

Get started - 101

Adem Karagöz

Last Update 2 年前

The Lynk Protocol is a Blockchain Protocol created by Lynk Technologies which allows Websites to move their DNS Traffic to the Lynk WebAI Blockchain, thus making the Website decentralized and more accessible. The Lynk WebAI Blockchain will encrypt and decentralize the Traffic. Also, due to the nature of Blockchain technology, the Website will have a 100% uptime due to the decentralized nature.

Lynk Protocol will allow Websites to be:
 - decentralized

 - faster

 - more secure

Lynk Protocol is not only limited to be connected to websites. Lynk Protocol can also be integrated to decentralize all the data from any kind of server, no matter if it is a Web Server, a Database or a general Server. Any kind of request can be decentralized using the Lynk Protocol.

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